Fluidyn provides high quality trainings which cover software usage to academic courses on physical phenomena (atmospheric environment, safety and risk, explosion, fluid dynamics,…).
The trainings can take place in one of Fluidyn service centers (Saint-Denis (France) or Bangalore (India)) as well as in-house on request.
Every training program consist in a theoretical part and a practice part. For software trainings, each attendee can practice by him/herself on his/her own system and receive advices from our experts.
Fluidyn provides all the required documentation during the courses.
Fluidyn’s list of training programs:
Generic courses
Our high-experienced experts offers training programs in the following fields:
- Atmospheric dispersion
- Air quality simulation
- Consequence assessment
- Explosion modeling
- Regulatory guidelines for 3D-CFD modeling in environmental studies

Software training
Our modeling experts offer you software trainings to help you in mastering the Fluidyn tool of your choice:
For more details about a software training, please contact us.
In-house training
Our in-house training is adapted for your specific needs. Our objective is to provide you full satisfaction by aiming towards dedicated content directly useful to your own projects. Our experts will build a specific training adapted to your needs.
For more details about these courses, please contact us.