Fluidyn VENTIL

Fluidyn VENTIL is a software family dedicated to the simulation of internal flows, fires and explosions in confined spaces and buildings. Based entirely on a 3D-CFD approach (Computational Fluid Dynamics), the modeling tools can estimate with high accuracy the air flow distribution in case of natual/forced ventilation, the gas/particle dispersion, the fire impact or the overpressure levels after an explosion . The full 3D simulation includes all contributing and mitigating effects in congested volumes and predicts much more accurately all the phenomena.
Fluidyn-VENTIL modules have been designed for engineers without expertise in Fluid Dynamics or numerical simulation while still allowing them to benefit of the state-of-the-art technology in CFD modelling. Solvers are fully integrated with user-friendly interface for pre processing phases (numerical model construction, source term definition, meshing…) and post processing phases (results analysis).
Fluidyn-VENTIL family is derived into several modules depending on the applications:
- Fluidyn-VENTCLIM: Internal ventilation, comfort analysis in building
- Fluidyn-VENTEX : Explosion in congested areas
- Fluidyn-VENTFIRE: Fire in confined volumes
- Fluidyn-VENTUNNEL: Ventilation in tunnels
- Fluidyn-VENTMINE: Ventilation in galleries network
Fluidyn-VENTCLIM is a 3D-CFD tool dedicated to the ventilation, air conditionning and air quality in confined spaces at high resolution.
- Air flow simulation inside buildings, rooms, congested volumes
- HVAC simulation
- Heat production and thermal analysis
- Convection, conduction and radiation effects

Fluidyn-VENTEX is a 3D-CFD module dedicated to explosion in congested areas.
- Blast, Deflagration, Detonation
- Flammable gas dispersion and cloud comustion in confined spaces
- ATEX volume assessment
- Dust/Gas mixtures explosions
- Pressure capacity blast
- Solid explosive material
- Structural resistance and deformation
- Mitigation measure performance analysis
- Post accident expertise
Fluidyn-VENTFIRE is a 3D-CFD tool dedicated to fire simulation in buildings, parkings, warehouses, road/rail tunnels, mines….
- Pool fire, jet fire, solid fire
- Thermal fields analysis during a fire in a building
- Toxic smoke propagation in confined spaces
- Emergency extraction design
- Fire detector layout optimization
- Escape paths design
- Mitigation measure performance analysis

Fluidyn-VENTUNNEL is a 3D-CFD tool dedicated to ventilation studies in road, rail and river tunnels for ….
- Air renewal
- Traffic emissions evacuation
- Toxic smoke propagation
- Emergency extraction design